Hill Summit : | Crook Hill[SK183868, 364m.] |
Start : | Car Parking at side of Ladybower Reservoir (Paid) Car park on the west of the Ladybower road.[SK179884 235m ] |
Summary : | Parking - Path junction on ridge - Crook Hill - Parking |
distance : | 5.5km. |
ascent : | 170m. |
time : | 2hr. 0min. |
Crook Hill is a prominent hill between the two arms of Ladybower Reservoir. While not high, it is visibile from all around the reservoir and does have a good view around the area. The route is a short route up from the reservoir and along the paths to reach the summit, then after a quick descent, it is a pleasent walk along the water side.
Overall : | broken clouds |
Temperature : | 13degC. |
Wind Speed : | 2km/hr. |
Wind Direction : | W |
Clouds : | broken clouds |
Precipitation : | none |
Sunrise : | 05:29:45 |
Sunset : | 18:36:47 |
: | Times are GMT add 1 hour for BST |
Data from openweathermap.org
From the car park follow the track on the east of the parking. This track leads west thorough the forest, rising to a path junction at the end of the forest. A sharp turn left now to follow the track along the ridge with Crook Hill prominent in the distance. As the path starts to curve around the hill, by a wall, walk up the lesser top at .382. From here walk over to Crook Hill. The hill has a number of interesting rocks around it. The view here is good including the two arms of Ladybower reservoir, and over to Win Hill. The hill gives a good viewpoint to the edges on the east, Derwent and Stanage Edge. (3.0kms. 150m. 1hrs. 10min.)
From the top descend steeply to reach Crookhill Farm. The path goes around the north west of the farm buildings. Follow the path down to the road. Cross the road and follow the tracks that reach the path around the reservoir. The final part of the walk is alongside the reservoir. Follow past the aquaduct, and then onto the car park. Much of this walk is through the forest, which is thin enough to give good views over the water to the hillside. (2.5kms. 20m. 0hrs. 50min.)
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