Eastern Edges from Chatsworth to Derwent.

Eastern Edges from Chatsworth to Derwent.
OS Map : 110
Start : Chatsworth Estate Car Park.
 Follow the B6012 from Baslow and then thesigns to Chatsworth House. This leads to the estate car park. Current cost is £4.
Summary : Chatsworth House - Chatsworth Edge - Birchen Edge - Baslow Edge - Curbar Edge - Froggatt Edge - Burbage Edges - Stanage Edge - Derwent edges - Fairholms.
distance : 35.0km.
ascent : 830m.
time : 11hr. 40min.


Current Weather

Last Updated today at : 18:11:55

Overall : scattered clouds
Temperature : 19degC.
Wind Speed : 18km/hr.
Wind Direction : NE
Clouds : scattered clouds
Precipitation : none
Sunrise : 04:02:15
Sunset : 20:05:25
: Times are GMT add 1 hour for BST

Data from openweathermap.org

The Eastern Edges run from Chatsworth in the south to Derwent in the north in a near continuos line if gritstone outcrops. This is a unique environment; nowhere else in the UK has such an extended line of natural craggy edges; this is the unique selling point for the Peak District It is a significant challenge to walk the length of these edges. Due to the predominant weather in the area the route is described south to north. This als means that as you progress along the route, the scenery gets wilder; moving from elegance of Chatsworth House to the wilds of Bleaklow. This is a linear walk, so it is essentail to arrange transport to the start and from the finish.