Hill Summit : | Mam Tor[SK127836, 517m.] |
Hill Summit : | Lose Hill[SK153853, 476m.] |
Start : | Castleton Car Park The main car park in Castleton.[SK149830 200m ] |
Summary : | Mam Tor - Losehill Farm - Lose Hill - Back Tor - Mam Tor - Cavedale - Castleton |
distance : | 11.5km. |
ascent : | 400m. |
time : | 4hr. 10min. |
"The Great Ridge" is a name given to the Lose Hill, Back Tor, Mam Tor ridge that dominates the westerly part of the Hope Valley. This route climbs the ridge at the eastern edge and follows around the Castleton skyline going initially to Mam Tor and then down into Limestone country, through the fields, and finally down Cave Dale back to Castleton itself.
Overall : | overcast clouds |
Temperature : | 12degC. |
Wind Speed : | 24km/hr. |
Wind Direction : | W |
Clouds : | overcast clouds |
Precipitation : | none |
Sunrise : | 05:31:11 |
Sunset : | 18:38:10 |
: | Times are GMT add 1 hour for BST |
Data from openweathermap.org
Start at Castleton. There is a path alongside the stream that runs beside the car park. Walk to the stream and turn left to follow the path alongside the stream, through a small street until it meets a road. Turn left to leave Castleton on Hollowfield Road. Follow this road until the track on the right at the Training Centre. Follow the track to the Environmental Centre. Just past it is a sign pointing to a footpath, follow this through the various turns and gates to just before Losehill Farm. Here take the signposted path left that climbs the hill, another gate or two and you are at the summit of Lose Hill or Ward's Piece. (3kms. 300m. 1hrs. 30min.)
Walk along the length of the Great Ridge. From Lose Hill the full extent of the ridge is in view with a good wide path. Descend from Lose Hill and then reascend Back Tor. Down again from Back Tor to Hollins Cross. Make sure you turn around to see Back Tor as the most impressive side is from the west. Hollins Cross is the pass between Castleton and Edale and very busy. Marked with a direction dial. From here the path ascends Mam Tor and again it is good wide and busy. Indeed Mam Tor summit with it's trig pont is one of the most busy places in the Peak District. (3.5kms. 100m. 1hrs. 20min.)
The route now goes into White Peak area. Descend Mam Tor by the obvious path and at the road, turn right and through the gate. Descend through the field to meet the Winnats Path road. Cross this road and through the date to the track going to Rowter Farm. Follow this well made track until SK135813. At this crossroads turn left, east, and follow the path towards Cave Dale, part of the Limestone Way. The path follows fields and then descends into Cave Dale itself. It is very tight in a number of places. The sides of the dale have some interesting features, holes, in the limestone rock. At the bottom is a gate that leads to Castleton. Follow through the streets to reach the car park. The lower slopes of Cave Dale are often wet even after a long dry spell. (5kms. 0m. 1hrs. 30min.)
11th December 2023 A wet day that did not clear up as forecast. Set off from Castleton and up Cave Dale, usually I have walked this route the other way. Once on the top walked along the path to the road. By which time the rain was too much, so descended the road rather than attempting Mam Tor. It would not have been worth it.
14th September 2023 A day with a poor forecast of rain but decided to go out anyway. Yes there was cloud around but it cleared over the day. The views were not clear but were atmospheric. A good example of going out despite the weather forecast as there are some great experience to be obtained even on a not perfect day.
3rd January 2020 Mam Tor is one of the most popular hills in the Peak District and today was no different despite the cold damp and wind later on. Very slippy underfoot; do they make special mud here? Decided against Cavedale as this is slippy at the best of times and it would be treacherous today. Walked down the old road. Surprising how much it has slipped since the closure in 1979.
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